How the selection of garments takes place

Thanks for clicking on this page! It will be a pleasure to explain to you how the process of choosing and selecting the garments on this website takes place.

The garments selected and included in "L'armadio di Eleonora" have been purchased over the years in an activity of careful continuous selection of particular garments that can respond to a unique and exclusive style, but at the same time versatile and clean.

I often go shopping at large chains (in different cities as I travel for work), I often go to trusted local retailers, very characteristic shops that sell unique items. I therefore like to always look for garments that can have that something extra, that particular element in terms of detail, insert, model, color to mix styles, creating original and always new outfits. A shirt or blouse with lace inserts on jeans with matching accessories makes the difference compared to a flat and completely basic look. In the end, it takes very little to enrich an outfit, making it unique and representative of our personality or of that period of our life we are living. I think that fashion ultimately helps in this sense to allow us to express our personality, traits of the same or even the emotions we are experiencing.

Having said that, I hope you like this selection and that you too can use these garments to create sustainable outfits, but at the same time as unique as you are! It would be nice if you sent me photos of some outfits made with the items purchased from this selection. Thanks in advance to who will do it!

For any further curiosity, do not hesitate to contact us through the appropriate form on the contact page. Soon!!!